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Project Reports, White Papers, and Relevant Media

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Postal Innovation
Platform Newsletter


The Postal Industry Innovation and Markets Newsletter marks the important events and happenings with the postal service. Page 13 includes a note from the project lead here, Andrew Butcher.


From Postal Networks to Community Places


In January 2019, Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Architecture and School of Design launched an interdisciplinary course to provide students from multiple disciplines the opportunity to explore linkages between community-scale place-making and the postal system.


The Future of USPS Real Estate: Part 2


Exploring a methodology to adapt and transform existing U.S. Postal Service (USPS) real estate through the lens of community-focused design. Looking at the future of the post office, we first historically analyzed the intent and services that the post office has provided to its communities since its inception.

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Spring 2018
Capstone Report


This report was produced by the 2018 Capstone project team. It includes all research done by the team, including GIS analysis and potential linkages between USPS and the community. 


2020 Interim Report


This report highlights the tools and strategies used to target privately owned current and former postal facilities in vulnerable locations to integrate complementary services and property improvements with local partnerships and development priorities.  


Urban Sustainability Directors Network Resilience Hubs


Resilience Hubs are community-serving facilities augmented to support residents, coordinate communication, distribute resources, and reduce carbon pollution while enhancing quality of life. 


Save the Post Office


This website provides information about the post office closings and consolidations that are taking place, the efforts people are taking to protect their post offices, and the things citizens can do to save their post office.


A Tool For Exploring America's Historic Post Offices


This GIS-enabled story map shares stories of how America’s post offices have been adapted for community-serving uses and documents 20 historic post office buildings from coast to coast that have been offered for sale.


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OIG Reports and Resources

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) publishes reports relevant to the Postal Service operation, and opportunities for Postal Service growth. Below are a few of the relevant white papers that helped inform much of this research:


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Other Key Resources

Other reports and resources from institutions such as the GAO, Urban Institute, and other research institutions have provided context to this study. See some of the resources below:


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