Project Reports, White Papers, and Relevant Media
From Postal Networks to Community Places
In January 2019, Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Architecture and School of Design launched an interdisciplinary course to provide students from multiple disciplines the opportunity to explore linkages between community-scale place-making and the postal system.
The Future of USPS Real Estate: Part 2
Exploring a methodology to adapt and transform existing U.S. Postal Service (USPS) real estate through the lens of community-focused design. Looking at the future of the post office, we first historically analyzed the intent and services that the post office has provided to its communities since its inception.
OIG Reports and Resources
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) publishes reports relevant to the Postal Service operation, and opportunities for Postal Service growth. Below are a few of the relevant white papers that helped inform much of this research:
Other Key Resources
Other reports and resources from institutions such as the GAO, Urban Institute, and other research institutions have provided context to this study. See some of the resources below: